Wheel of Law

Screen print on Snowdon Cartridge Paper,

30.5 X 30.5 cm

Edition of 46



I was invited for the 2020 edition of the International Print Exchange Program India, to create new work in response to the provocation DOUBLE VISION.

From February to March 2020 I took part in an artists residency in Delhi with Art for Change Foundation. After returning to the UK we went straight into lockdown due to the Covid19 pandemic. In India thousands of day labourers were forced to migrate, some walking for days back to their home villages. ‘Wheel of Law’ makes reference to the Ashoka Chakra which is an ancient Indian symbol dating back thousands of years, made famous on the Indian national flag. The wheel has 24 spokes, each with it’s own symbolism. The wheel is a symbol of a democratic India. By placing 24 repeat images of an Indian day labourer in the pattern of the wheel, my work seeks to highlight the plight of the poorest in Indian society, who often find themselves with no voice and no rights.

IPEP is a curated international exchange programme for printmakers. Works will be exhibited worldwide throughout 2021 in participating artists countries. The 2020 edition is curated by Delhi based curator and Director of Pulp Society, Sitara Chowfla.


Missing Girls